About Us
Welcome to the Central Counties Beekeepers' Association, a community of beekeepers in Central Pennsylvania, including Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Fulton Counties. We welcome all beekeepers, from beginners to experts, to join our association and share their passion for beekeeping. Our goal is to provide a platform for knowledge-sharing, networking, and education about beekeeping. We organize various events and workshops throughout the year to help beekeepers learn new techniques, share their experiences, and connect with other beekeepers in the area.
Our Objectives
Collect and disseminate knowledge and skills of apiculture to individuals interested in beekeeping.
Keep the CCBA membership informed of laws and requirements that impact beekeeping activities.
Provide public education on the importance of apiculture.
Events & Workshops
Monthly Meetings: Regular monthly are held on the 3rd Monday of each month (excluding January). Details for each meeting are posted on the CCBA Facebook page.
Apiary Visits: We regularly schedule visits to the apiaries of our members. These "field trips" allow us to observe and discuss various apiary management styles and configurations. Field experiences also provide an opportunity to model specific beekeeping techniques.
Special Events: CCBA participates in a variety of special events, including school programs, festivals, and other community events.